And, We Begin

By Fadura


For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast,
And breathed in the face of the foe as he pass'd.

Lord Byron 


Writer's Note: First chapter kinda quick but readable…Don’t sue me, sue the dogs, I don’t own Beast wars OR any Transfomers but Odium and the plot is MINE!!!

Nothing made sense anymore.


The deafening silence had consumed him long before the realization of it; he was going to crash. Where? He didn’t know, his world had become a blur of colors and total, utter silence. Fire burned around him and smoke clogged his cooling system.


Memories fogged his mind, stopping him from thinking, stopping him from feeling.


Nothing EVER made sense.


His fuel pump beat faster, it was the only sound he could hear… feel.


All he remembered before he went into stasis was vast open blue, then freezing numbness…


*  *  *  *  *


Terrosaur stared at the wreck that used to be a stasis pod. Whoever was in there was probably just less than scrap metal now.


He stepped forwards foot crunching in the thick snow, gently he picked up a piece of blackened metal before dropping it as it crumpled, the dactyl sighed dejectedly. “Megatron isn’t going to be happy about this… not that I care…” he mumbled to himself.


Straightening up he looked around the barren cold landscape and shivered, his breath coming out in white vapors. “Better get back to base before I freeze or something…” he muttered to no one again, activating his jets and rising almost lazily into the air.


<Wonderful, another dead stasis-pod, exactly what I need, my life is turning out to be just absolutely FABULOUS … > This thought continued. Though abruptly stopped when his sharp optics caught sight of something black in the distance, just about half a mile away from the crashed pod.


He squinted trying to get a better look at it before finally giving up thinking it was just another piece of the broken pod before flying away…


*  *  *  *  *


“Slagging rodent…” Dinobot growled.


“Stupid saurian.” Rattrap muttered.




“I HEARD THAT!” They shouted in unison then burst into ANOTHER argument. 


Cheetor sighed and pressed his beast mode ears flat against his head in annoyance. <Why am I always stuck with these two?> The cheetah turned around to face his comrades. “Can you guys just keep quite, please??”


They turned. “NO!” They yelled once again and shifted their attention back to each other.


Cheetor rolled his eyes and continued walking at a slightly faster pace. His com link suddenly came to life and along with A LOT of static. ~“Optimus to…etor…ome in.”~


“What’s up big bot?” Cheetor managed over the noise.


~“Have yo…ound the…pods yet?”~ Optimus asked.


“Not yet but going to.” The young Maximal replied trying to sound cheerful.


Optimus paused for a bit. ~“Are…nobot and… ttrap bickeri…again?”~


“Yeeeup.” Cheetor mumbled with distaste.


~“Tell…em to sto…now. ”~


*  *  *  *  *


Megatron snarled.


Two pods, one too damaged to use as even scrap metal and the other was smack dab into middle of Maximal territory. AND those incompetent Maximals had probably already found it by now. The Predacon commander snarled again and continued stalking through the forest in beast mode.


He WASN’T in the best of moods.


This day WASN’T working out for him.


The ONLY reason he WAS out here was because they STILL had a chance of getting the second pod before the Maximals did.


…Even though if he had only one percent chance getting to it first he wasn’t going to retreat without a fight. He turned on his com link. “Inferno report!”


*  *  *  *  *


He stumbled, tipping forwards and falling face first into the snow and stayed there, unmoving. How long has it been? It was cold, and since he never knew ‘cold’ when he was a Decepticon, the sensation was almost alien to him.  Sure there were times back in the old days when his core temperature had dropped down so low he could barely feel his body parts move but that wasn’t exactly painful… like this feeling was.


He frowned slightly, his face still in the snow before another nasty realization took place; he couldn’t breathe. Still not wanting to move from his original place the newcomer simply shifted himself so that he was facing the sky. The clear cloudless blue sky.


He remembered everything, the Maximal had said that he would forget all if he went into the stasis pods, so he joined up on a Maximal exploration ship and now… now… he had been stupid to believe in their words.


Without warning his stomach growled; he sat up startled, before realizing that there was an annoying pain in his abdomen, not enough to hurt but enough to vex, the first thing that came to mind was the word ‘consumption’, then, ‘I hate my life’, then ‘food’.


This new body was getting more and more annoying each second, the only use it was to him was shield him against the high radiation of energon, in fact he didn’t even NEED this body, his old Stormflier self was already designed to go against as much radiation possible INCLUDING energon, as well as storms hence the name ‘Stromflier’, this installment was STILL with him so he had chosen to stay in robot mode since his trek began.


I HATE Maximal technology…he thought to himself, the frown deepening, marring his normally emotionless face, his black optics narrowed to slits of black void.


Finally he sighed and decided that if he was going anywhere he’d better stop glaring at the sky and hating fate for creating Maximals. “Beast mode.” He mumbled standing up as he transformed before continuing on his way.


Earlier that day his sensors had detected a Predacon signature nearby, around then he was still immobile from his injuries and shock at the discovery of sense, that he couldn’t even TRY and get the attention of the stranger.


Predacons were no worse than Maximals, most of them that he’d encountered were nothing but knifing little nasty ‘bots they were, but, they had  A LOT more in common with Decepticons other than being their descendants AND the chance of them accepting him was also a lot more than the Maximals (in his opinion THEY were utter mushies with almost no dignity, or honor, in fact, the Maximals he’d met were a bit too arrogant and sometimes too air headed to be descendants of the Autobots).


He sighed and realized that he was getting a bit too racist for his own good. You didn’t even KNOW those people…you just saw them for, like, what? Three clicks??


Odium snarled quietly to himself and swayed his long tail in anger. At the moment he really hoped that the Maximals and Predacons were not fighting, and neutral.


Things were going to be so much easier that way.


Though another part of him knew that even that was too much to hope for…





Beast Wars transformer belongs to Hasbro, I don’t own Beast Wars but I DO own the plot and Odium and the unknown-but-to-be-introduced character too! So nyah!


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