
Disclaimer: BW belong to Hasbro, Rust and Kittar belong to Syntia and my sanity is obviously in the possession of the Easter Bunny.


The Stupidest Easter Story Ever

By: Rainynight


Ancient Earth.

Syntia’s “Mission” universe.

Some random spot in the wilderness.

The Maximals and Predacons are in the middle of a fight. Suddenly, panicked screams are heard in the distance.

At first the busy robots don’t notice them because they are being covered by the roar of weapons. But as the screams draw nearer, some of the warriors start glancing questioningly at each other. Soon the fight is abandoned in favor of finding out what’s going on.

Optimus: It could be birds.

Everyone else: *look at him skeptically*.

Dinobot: You know, Optimus, it’s strange that you turned out to be a successful commander in battle but you obviously suck as an explorer. No bird on Earth sounds like that.

Optimus: *shocked* Did he just call me a successful commander? We should make this day a national holiday.

Waspy: Wazzzzpinator think thizzz no bird. Thizzz crab.

Rattrap: Well, Waspinator is an idiot. Crabs don’t scream.

Terrosaur: *flying up to take a better look around* No, he’s right for once! It is a crab. It’s Rampage. And Depth Charge.

Seconds later the two bots in question appear on the horizon, running like crazy.

Depth Charge: *Reaching the gathered warriors* Run! Run for your sanity!

Megatron: If you would be so kind to tell us what’s going on… Seeing that you’re not even supposed to have arrived on Earth yet.

Rampage: She chased us from another story to this one! She’s got a Plot Bunny!!! 

Everyone: Who?

RP and DC: Rainynight!

Rust: YAAAAY! Is it about me?

Terrosaur and Kittar: *roll their optics*

Megatron: *mutters* You are crazy, yess…

Everyone else: A Plot Bunny??? *look horrified*

Creepy music is heard, a big shadow is cast over them all, we hear drums… and a fluffy little bunny carrying a basket of colored eggs hops into view.

Everyone: *blink*

Tarantulas: Ehem. This is not a Plot Bunny. It’s an Easter Bunny.

Rhinox: Is that better?

Tarantulas: Er… I’m not sure.

Dinobot: Can I just eat it and be done with this slag?

Rust: No!

Everyone else: *whining* Why nooot?

Rust: First, because it belongs to Rainynight and I’m not letting you eat anything of hers. And second, I think it’s interesting. And isn’t it cute? Here, hold it! *hands the bunny to Terrosaur who looks at it in disgust*

Terrosaur: *holding the bunny at an arm’s length* Why’d you hand it to me?

Rust: *shrugs* It’s just the way you’re holding it with such care. You’ll make a fine mommy.

Terrosaur: What?!!! Ick!!!!

Waspy: Then Wazzzpinator suppozezzz Rust will be daddy.

Rust: You’re unusually perceptive. I don’t have the right voice for a mommy.

Terrosaur: *high pitched* IIIIICK!!!!!! SQUEEEE!!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????

Rust: *ROTFL* See?

Everyone minus Kittar: *laugh*

Kittar: Primus help me, I’m surrounded by idiots. This was the dumbest joke ever.

The bunny sneezes in Terrosaur’s arms. Terrosaur drops it.

Terrosaur: Hey the thing just sneezed on me.

Rattrap: So?

Terrosaur: So… I feel funny.

Rhinox: Maybe its spit is highly toxic.

Terrosaur: *sarcastically* Thanks, I feel better now. But I don’t think that’s it.

Kittar: Let me take a look at you.

Terrosaur: Don’t go near me!

Kittar: Sit. Down. Now.

Terrosaur: *sits and sulks*

Kittar: *examining him* Hmmm… Nothing seems to be wrong. Now stand up.

Terrosaur: *stands*.

Everyone: *gasp*

Terrosaur: What? What?

Optimus: Well… nothing. It’s actually completely natural…

Dinobot: Once again you amaze me with your incompetence. It’s not at all natural for a male bird. Er… You ARE a male bird, right?

Terrosaur: *afraid to look behind him* I’m not a bird at all, you idiot!!! What are you staring at? What did I do?

Rattrap: Well, you laid an egg.

Terrosaur: What??? *looks at the place he’d been sitting where indeed there’s an egg. A colored one at that. Pink with yellow spots.*

Waspy: Wazzzpinator thinkzzz thizzz prove Rust’zz point. Bird-bot make a good mommy.

At that moment the egg hatches and a tiny yellow chick with dark shades comes out of it. The Chick walks over to Easter Plot Bunny, hugs it with one wing, lifts its shades and winks at the camera.

Chick: *Al Capone voice* Happy Easter everyone!


The end


Everyone: Oh, brother. Glad this is over.


A/N: Now go and read Syntia’s fics! I command you!