{1}{90}movie info: 640x480 29.969fps 177.9 MB|/SubEdit b.3827 (http://subedit.xx.pl)/ {91}{}Subtitles by wadera8@wp.pl {967}{}15 The Spark {1765}{}Damage to hatch seals and internals. {1845}{}Attempting to initiate emergency sequence -- {2035}{}Identify -- Acknowledged... {2098}{}Object is Maximal Stasis Pod. {2245}{}Calculate landing coordinates. {2331}{}Acknowledged -- {2429}{}You've found something, yessss? {2555}{}Trajectory of Maximal Stasis Pod erratic. {2665}{} Impossible to compute exact landing coordinates. {2779}{}Best estimates -- ? {2883}{}Grid Skavos, coordinates 3-4-7 by 9-8-4. {2951}{}Inside our territory. Excellent. {3050}{}Closest units? {3103}{}Scorponok and Black Arachnia. {3213}{}I'll assist with the recovery, {3274}{}my programming skills -- {3319}{}Are needed here. {3382}{}Black Arachnia will do fine {3440}{}Send them.|And put Terrosaur and Waspinator on alert {3527}{}for Maximal presence in the drop zone. {3657}{}Tin tyrant -- {3723}{}Treacherous arachnid! {4212}{}Plenty of Energon but none of it |stable enough to use. {4330}{}No wonder the Preds don't mine this area. {4428}{}Might as well -- {4551}{}Rhinox - MAXIMIZE {4871}{}A Stasis pod! {4944}{}Rhinox to base -- {5036}{}Slag. Too much Energon interference. {5160}{}Looks like I'm on my own. {5614}{}Hopping Helix, a stasis pod -- {5717}{}Cheetor to Com Scout One -- {5787}{}Come in Com One -- {5845}{}Tigatron here. {5891}{}I spotted a stasis pod. {5948}{}It's coming down in Grid Vega. {6022}{}Predacon ground -- {6076}{}I'm going to get to it before the Preds do. {6136}{}Inform base, then head for my position. {6203}{}I may need back-up. {6243}{}It's done. Watch yourself little cat. {6353}{}Always do Big cat! Cheetor out! {6838}{}There it is, just as Megatron said. {6933}{}Just as Megatron said, just as Megatron said. {7038}{}Don't you ever get tired |of groveling to that "saurian". {7150}{}Megatron is our leader. He rewards loyalty. {7299}{}And punishes those who oppose his will. {7412}{}I'm all aquiver. {8302}{}Uh oh -- {8833}{}Warning, Energon concentration in danger zone. {Talk about going from bad to worse. {8933}{}Divert power from weapons array to field dampers. {9023}{}Maximum tolerance. {10301}{}Activate protoform. {10365}{}Begin DNA scanning sequence. {10453}{}System's damage to extensive. {10518}{}Activation program offline. |Spark fading. {10646}{}Repair required or protoform |will cease to exist in 8.6 cycles -- {10806}{}No... {11386}{}Rhinox? {11428}{}Cheetor, what are you doing here? {11582}{}I saw the pod heading for crashville. {11666}{}But I didn't expect to find you. {11763}{}I'm glad you did. I need help. {11837}{}This protoform's dying. {11911}{}Dying? What do you mean? {12003}{}The stasis pod's been damaged. {12069}{}It's disabled the activation sequence |and burned out the locking chip. {12188}{}If I don't do something quick, | {12240}{}the protoform's spark will be extinguished. {12345}{}Then let's get in gear. {12406}{}What do we do? {12477}{}Wish I knew -- {13015}{}Predacon -- {13074}{}Tigatron - Maximize! {13455}{}Now where's that sour spider gone --? {13600}{}Scorponok! {13720}{}Where you headed in such a hurry? And who else is with you? {13800}{}Bah! I'll tell you nothing Maximal. {13874}{}Scorponok, Te-- Rorrrr-iiiiiii -- {13985}{}Sorry I don't have time to play -- {14128}{}What a pity! {14619}{}You can't fight my cyber-venom kitty cat. {14745}{}But don't fret, I'll be back for you. {14856}{}When I have your precious pod |and the new Predacon within {15249}{}This could be dangerous. {15319}{}If you soak up too much Energon |without a locking chip, {15428}{}you'll fry every system you have. {15501}{}Our new budbot there deserves some kind of chance {15587}{}and you know a lot more about protoforms than I do. {15785}{}Cheetor - MAXIMIZE. {16071}{}This'll only take a nano-klik,| but you'll have to go offline. {16214}{}I can use the snooze. Repair Mode. {16580}{}What's new pussy cat? {16673}{}Rhinox, what's going on? {16856}{}A spark! {16933}{}Yup. The very thing which makes us what we are. {17045}{}Every Cybertron, Maximal or Predacon, has one. {17175}{}And each is different. {17270}{}When a spark goes online, there's great joy -- {17537}{}When one's extinguished -- {17623}{}The universe weeps. {17881}{}Whoaaaa!! That was ultra-gear. {17976}{}Tell me later. And go back to Beast Mode. Beast Mode -- {18999}{}Stasis lock restored. Implementing. {19302}{}Alright! Way to go Rhin-O! {19400}{}All I did was buy us some time. Which reminds me - Beast Mode. Phew... That's better. {19506}{}Even with my dampers on max, |this place was giving me chip flashes. {19638}{}So what do we now Big R? {19709}{}Try and get the activation program back on line {19820}{}and hope the DNA sequencers can find |something alive in this wasteland. {19974}{}Why don't we just take it back to base|and use the Restoration Chamber? {20074}{}No time. Stasis lock only slowed down| the spark's deterioration. {20221}{}We have to get this protoform online {20289}{}and into Beast Mode as soon as we can |or it's finished. {20494}{}PREDACONE DETECTED|- And we have another problem. {20724}{}What a lovely spot for the birth of a new Predacon. {20860}{}Don't count on it, web breath -- {20943}{}By the way, how do you dance |with all those skinny legs? {21159}{}This must be my day for cats. {21445}{}You're gonna have to be faster than that |to bag this cat. {21545}{}You don't know what fast is furball! {21708}{}I know what ugly is and you're it! {21986}{}Fast Cat One, Spider zippo.... |Beast Mode. {22293}{}No one does that to me! Blackarachnia - TERRORIZE! {22552}{}Bouncing Breakers, the bug is back! {22706}{}Sounds like Cheetor's got his paws full. {22828}{}But I can't stop now. {22941}{}Program not accepted. {23006}{}Spark will terminate in 4.8 cycles. {23194}{}Come out kitty cat. {23262}{}I won't hurt you.| Much! Ooooo, I'm sooo scared --- You're out of firepower boltbutt. Luckily I still have plenty. Cheetor - MAXIMIZE! {24607}{}Goodbye Maximal -- LectroMist online! * B-B-Beast Mode! We'll meet again pussy cat! {25031}{}Ow, that spider can hit! {25176}{}Aw no. Waspinator -- {25279}{}And he's headed straight toward Rhinox! {25571}{}Who dares attack Waspinator! {25676}{}Waspinator - Terrorize! {25869}{}Got his attention. Now to lead him aw- {25948}{}Terrorsaur - TERRORIZE! {26075}{}Gimme a break! {26407}{}Energon surge. Locking chip off-line. {26492}{}System overload: imminent. {26560}{}Time for me to fly. Beast Mode! {27070}{}Download sequencer program thru my central processor. {27200}{}Warning. Process could cause damage to your circuitry. {27319}{}Just do it. {27688}{}Circuit damage. |Field Dampers down. {27773}{}Energon surge. |Stasis lock: imminent. {27903}{}Beast... Mode. {28192}{}DNA sequencers online -- {28473}{}Scanning for compatible lifeforms -- {29337}{}Can't... keep... this.. up. {29871}{}Gotcha! {30289}{}So much for Maximal presence. {30384}{}Now the pod will be mine. {30646}{}No compatible lifeforms in range. {30739}{}Spark will terminate in 2.3 cycles -- {31225}{}Well, well -- Rhinox and a stasis pod. {31353}{}This is my lucky day. And your last -- Compatible lifeform found. |Beginning replication. {32072}{}What! NO! {32375}{}Still feeling lucky Terrorsaur? Beast Mode --! {33910}{}AIRAZOR - MAXIMIZE! {35271}{}You're Rhinox. {35339}{}How'd you know? {35385}{}I'm not sure. {35453}{} But I think I owe you my life. {35564}{}Let's say we're even. {35758}{}You were a little late this time Optimus. {35851}{}Fortunately Airazor took care of business. {35976}{}They'll be salvaging Terrorsaur for days. {36120}{}Welcome to the Maximals. {36169}{}My pleasure. Though I'm still not sure what to make of all this? {36308}{}If you're smart, you'll make tracks. {36398}{}Pay no attention to the rodent|He was born with a major glitch. {36508}{}You'll get used to everything. {36555}{}Including them.|Maybe. {36640}{}Now how about a tour of the base? {36822}{}When a spark goes online there's great joy --